Tuesday, February 15, 2022

On our way out

    Today's the day! In just a few hours, we'll have our final inspection by the navy and finalize paperwork with the Port Captain, and then we're on our way. After being in Mexico for more than two years, it's quite surreal to know we're leaving and moving on to another country. I'll admit to a bit of apprehension, but in the words of some other cruising friends, it's time to get out of our comfort zone again.

     Mexico is currently our comfort zone. We know enough about how things work to do and experience what we want to. I love it here, and I foresee us returning someday, although I don't know when or for how long. However, when we planned to travel, we definitely intended to visit more countries before we potentially chose to settle somewhere, so it most certainly is time to see other places!

       El Salvador is our next stop. It will take us about the same amount of time to get there as it did for us to cross the Tehuantepec from Huatulco--about 40-43 hours. We're in touch with an ex-pat couple who run the marina and mooring balls in Bahia del Sol and they will bring a pilot boat out to meet us and guide us in for the bar crossing. Here's hoping it's a calm crossing and nothing like our surfing experience coming into Humboldt Bay!

       Here's to our time in Mexico. Two years of new experiences, new friends, new food, and beautiful places. Mostly good times, and only a couple what I might call bad. I have high hopes for the next few months as we travel through Central America.

        The adventures of Kyrie and her crew continue...


  1. Adventure fills your daily days. So wonder-full. Blessings on your journey. Love reading your updates.
